Congrats Ming et al! Manuscript linked here.
After completing his B.S. at UCLA and working as a research intern at City of Hope, Nick is joining our team as a Research Technician. Welcome, Nick!
Olivia joined as our new lab manager, coming from the Noble Lab at the University of Georgia, Athens. Welcome to the team!
This award was given to Léa at the 2024 SSIB meeting in Chicago for giving an exceptional oral presentation.
Godspeed on your exciting next journeys, and many thanks for all of your valuable contributions over the past few years!
… including USC News, The New York Post, MSN, and CNN Brasil.
This scholarship is given for excellence in academic record and extraordinary extracurricular activities. Well-deserved, Alice, congrats!
Keshav crushed the defense of his thesis, titled “Melanin-concentrating hormone neurons and food intake control: neural and behavioral mechanisms”.
The Harry L. Kissileff Award from the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior is given annually for the best postdoctoral oral presentation at the annual meeting. Congrats Anna!
GLP-1 is all the rage these days! Scott shares his thoughts on GLP-1 and brain signaling in The Atlantic and The Wall Street Journal, stating that “the brain is a mysterious place”. 😂
Check out the article, here.
Congrats to Cindy (M.S. in Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry), Grace (B.S. in Psychology), and Iris (B.S. in Neuroscience)!